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Beckley nursing student highlights importance of prevention

During 2023 Prevention Day at the West Virginia Legislature, a WVU School of Nursing Beckley Campus student helped bring awareness to prevention efforts around suicide and substance use.

“The goal of the event is to bring communities together to talk about the importance of prevention in our state,” said Carley Knuckles, a senior in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. “We spoke to our legislators about issues happening in our community and inform them of our efforts for suicide, tobacco use and substance use prevention.”

Knuckles was given the opportunity to speak during Prevention Day through her job as the WVU Tech student leader for the Collegiate Strategic Prevention Framework Partnership for Success (C-SPF), which aims to prevent the onset and reduce the progression of substance misuse among higher education students. The advisory board requested student leaders speak during Prevention Day to highlight young adults active in prevention efforts in West Virginia.

“I am so thankful to have been given the opportunity to speak in the rotunda at the WV State Capitol,” Knuckles said. “My job gives me an amazing outlet that fuels my passion for advocacy for Appalachians.”

To view her remarks, check out the recording of the event from 47:01 through 51:10.

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